With reverence and devotion, Achintya has been guiding Priestess Pilgrimages since 2013 with the intention for women to deepen on their Priestess Path by experiencing a visceral Soul connection to Sacred Lands of Myth, Magick and Miracles. Each Pilgrimage is a unique Initiation within our Rose Lineage imbued with Sisterhood, Adventure, Awakening, Healing and Ceremony.

These Pilgrimages often fully book before opening to the public, so joining the waitlists are the best way to ensure the potential for joining.Ā Applications open first to our Goddess Rising Mystery School students and alumni, and then to those on the waitlists.Ā Please submit your contact details for each Pilgrimage waitlist that you are interested in.

Mysteries of The Magdalene

Priestess Pilgrimage in France 2025

Immerse in the mysteries and the teachings of the Mary's and The Magdalene. We will be deeply communing with the Sacred Sites, Holy Lands & Waters, Mountains, Vortexes, Castles and Caves that hold ancient Grail Wisdom of the Essenes and Cathars, and our Dragon Rose Lineage.

Our journey takes place within the living Venusian Temple of Southern France.

Join The Magdalene & Mary Mysteries Pilgrimage in FranceĀ Waitlist!

Enrollment first opens to our Goddess Rising Mystery School students & alumni, and then to those who have joined the waitlist.

Avalon Priestess Pilgrimage 2026

Embark on a Holy Immram through the mists to Ynys Affallon, the Isle of Apples. Sojourn beyond the Veil with the Lady of the Lake to the Realms of Land, Sea and Sky and embody the living Priestess Mysteries of this Sacred and Ancient Star Temple.Ā 

Avalon is both the Heart Center and Third Eye of Gaia. We will be journeying with the Mages, Morgen's, Mary's and Magdalene's.

Join The Avalon Pilgrimage Waitlist!

Applications first open to our Goddess Rising Mystery School students & alumni, and then to those who have joined the waitlist.

EgyptĀ Priestess Pilgrimage 2025/2026

Khmet is a doorway to Eternity. With reverence to these ancient lands, and in the spirit of Ma'at, this is an Initiation that catalyzes deep healing, homecoming, remembrance and quantum leaps in consciousness.  

Egypt is the 5th Chakra of the Planet, the Voice of Gaia. We will commune in ritual with the Neteru within the temples, tombs, pyramids and along the Nile River for you to reactivate and reclaim your voice, your oracular gifts and gnosis. Receive deeply from the power and generosity of our primary Goddess Guides; Hathor, Isis and Sekhmet.

Achintya Devi and Sarah Naia Soleil have been annually co-guiding the Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage together since 2017. Your Pilgrimage will be facilitated by either both of them or by Achintya.

Join The Egypt Pilgrimage Waitlist!

Applications first open to our Goddess Rising Mystery School students & alumni, and then to those who have joined the waitlist.

Scotland Priestess Pilgrimage

2025 - 2026

Immerse in the magick, mystery and miracles of the Lands of Alba, as a part of our Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire with our Guides Mary Magdalene and Brigid.

We will visit Isles of the Hebrides, communing the Ancient Stone Circles, Holy Wells, Portals of Power and Chapels that hold the the living wisdom of the Grail and our Dragon Rose Lineage.

Join The Scotland Pilgrimage Waitlist!

Applications first open to our Goddess Rising Mystery School students & alumni, and then to those who have joined the waitlist.

About Your Guide

Achintya Miranda Devi

Achintya is the Foundress of Goddess Rising Mystery School and Global Sisterhood, which has grown to a Worldwide Community of over 150,000 people since 2012.

As a Ceremonialist, Teacher, Women’s Leadership Mentor, and High Priestess, she guides women to reconnect with Gaia's Rhythms, reclaim their Sovereign Power, embody their Soul Essence and lead with Love.  She has been teaching and mentoring tens of thousands of women in trainings, retreats, pilgrimages and ceremonies, both online and in person in Canada, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, United Kingdom, Greece and Egypt.

Achintya is a Priestess of the Magdalene Rose Lineage ordained in the Temple of Isis and is also a Priestess of Avalon. Through extensive mystical, alchemical and somatic training, Activations of Soul Gnosis, Archetypal Goddess Embodiment, and over two decades of her Leadership and Priestess Path, Achintya lovingly guides women through Light and Shadow home to their innate Wisdom, Truth, and Power.