Legendary Womenā€™s Leadership with Achintya Devi

At this powerful juncture of our Earth Walk where multiple timelines and realities are intersecting and massive global shifts are occurring in every area of society, revealing personal and collective light & shadow, what is being catalyzed from within you?
- Do you sense you are at a great precipice?
- Do you feel a calling to create a greater impact in our world for the Awakening of Humanity?
- Do you wish to contribute your divine gifts for the good of all and to lead with love?
You were born for these times of unprecedented change and rapid transformation. As Earth is transitioning toward the center of the Milky Way within our galaxy (a rare occurrence that takes place every 26,000 years), a vibrational shift is occurring, bringing significant challenges and opportunities for the evolution of Humanity.
Systems of oppression, control, injustice and domination, both internally and externally are trying to hold on. Yet by divine law, are dissolving... Disorientation is present and our reference points to reality are altering. Remember, it is out of chaos that stars are born!
Together we have come to be bridge builders and midwives to birth a new Golden Age on Earth. One of kindness, equity, peace, respect, collaboration, justice, happiness and beauty. To assist in raising the vibration of our collective consciousness for a harmonious quantum leap on Earth, it is essential to attune to the highest level of your Soul, and to infuse your unique frequency of Love in all that you do.
The time has come for you to reclaim your Voice, your Sovereign Power and your Divine Authority.
The time is now for you to Rise as Queen.

Beloved Sister Queen,
In 2018, The Queen Codes was first initiated (then a 3-month Immersion) and the exquisite expansion of this Training was birthed in 2021. With great devotion, I'm honoured to share that we shall commence again on October 22, 2022 during the first in our lifetime alignment of the Venus Star Point in Libra. This amplified frequency of Harmony will emanate into all aspects of your embodied experience within The Queen Codes.
Our Global Goddess Rising Sisterhood, is rooted in inclusion, acceptance and celebration of our differences. We actively welcome sisters from all walks of life to join us and to feel whole-heartedly cherished in this Sacred Circle of mutual Honour, Respect, Awakening, Transformation and Legendary Leadership.

Claim Your Destiny
Live Your Legacy of Love
This Training, Mentorship, and Council is for Women Leaders, Change Agents, Entrepreneurs, Ceremonialists, Artists, Practitioners, Mothers, Priestesses, Business Owners and Lovers of Life who desire to reclaim their sovereign throne, lead with pleasure and confidence, create with passion and magick, and contribute to catalyzing meaningful impact in the world with their loving hearts, inspired service and soulful businesses.
Majestic Mastery Journey
Consciously choosing the path of your Self-Mastery to Know Thyself is a journey of embracing the complete spectrum of your Wholeness, actualizing your full potential for Greatness and enjoying a meaningful life in communion with Source. You will be invited and challenged to Embody your Sovereign Power as you live on purpose and lead with love.
- Embark on a journey guided by The Great Queens & Kings, the Earth, the Cosmos, and your Soul
- Open to receive the Majesty of your Divine Inheritance as a Sovereign Being of Love
- Reactivate your Creative Power and Reclaim the Reign of your Inner Queendom
- Embody your Essence Self and Reignite your encoded gifts
- Transmute fears and limitations into opportunities for Heart Expansion, Freedom and Bliss

Legendary Leadership Training & Mentorship
To create a legendary impact on Earth and assist with the transformational and dimensional shift occurring within the consciousness of our collective Humanity, it is vital to release outdated beliefs of what women’s leadership should look like. Your invitation is to redefine this for yourself and to merge your personal desires with Divine Will to implement your prolific visions within your life and livelihood, living a legacy of love!
- Activate The Queen Codes within you to live and lead with love and empowered Grace
- Reclaim your unique gifts and authentic voice to create inspired and meaningful impact
- Embody your Soul Essence to lead with grace, passion, pleasure, beauty and depth
- Create your offerings as Beautiful and Bountiful Living Prayers to benefit the All
- Attune to the frequency of your Truth to be clear, resilient, conscious and focused in your soul work

Sacred Queen Council
As women, accelerated growth and lasting transformation happens when we are witnessed and supported by one another in both our challenges and in our triumphs. Enter the Synarchy of our international and inclusive Sacred Queen Council where diversity is celebrated! You are welcomed and honoured in your strengths and vulnerability, and will be continually supported throughout your evolution. You will be nourished as you embrace your shadows, dismantle limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns, claim your brilliance, and embody your magnificence.
- Engage in dynamic topics, conversation and sacred activism for local and global impact
- Reflect, connect, share and rise with mutual respect, honour and encouragement
- Move from competition and comparison to collaboration and celebration
- Network, co-create in partnerships, support one another in creative projects

About Your Mentor
Achintya Miranda Devi
Achintya is the Founder of Goddess Rising Mystery School and Global Sisterhood, which has grown to a worldwide community of over 150,000 people since 2012.
Achintya is dedicated to inspiring and empowering women to Reclaim their Sovereign Power and Embody their Soul Essence. She has been teaching and mentoring tens of thousands of women in trainings, retreats, pilgrimages, events and ceremonies, both online and in person in Canada, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, United Kingdom, Greece and Egypt.
Achintya is a Priestess of the Rose Lineage ordained in the Temple of Isis and is also a Priestess of Avalon. Through extensive mystical, alchemical and somatic training, Activations of Soul Gnosis, Archetypal Goddess Embodiment, and over two decades of her Leadership and Priestess Path, Achintya lovingly guides women through Light and Shadow home to their innate Wisdom, Truth, and Power.
She journeys to her Rose Priestess homes of Avalon and Egypt yearly for Rededication and Communion. She has received the Blessings from these sacred lands and the Rosa Mystica Council to share in her offerings through Goddess Rising Mystery School so that women may Remember their Gnosis, and offer their unique gifts, sacred service, and leadership in the world.
Achintya is a Women's Spiritual Leadership Mentor, Certified Wholistic Health Practitioner, Acupressure & CranioSacral Therapist and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher. She is from British Colombia, Canada and lives on the LeMurian island of Maui with her husband, Shems Heartwell.

Sister Shares

The Queen Codes is for you if:
- You feel passionate about embodying your sovereign power and creating the legacy you were born to liveā€Øā€Ø
- You are being called to rise in your leadership, as an entrepreneur, teacher, sacred activist, artist, practitioner, business owner, or leading in your relationships as mother and/or partnerā€Øā€Ø
- You are yearning to expand and refine your Embodied Leadership with Pleasure, Joy and Graceā€Øā€Ø
- You are a mature woman ready to deepen in your Magick, Majesty, and Mastery
- ā€Øā€ØYou are devoted to your mission and offering your presence and gifts in your sacred service and business
- You are inspired and devoted to weaving the mystical and the practical in your life and soul work ā€Øā€Ø
- You appreciate and honour the power of a diverse sisterhood to support and elevate one another's dreamsā€Øā€Ø
- You are at the threshold to the next level of your life, leadership, business, awareness and evolution

*Live Calls are at 12pm Pacific on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Replays are uploaded to our Online Classroom within 24 hours.
This is an invitation for you to receive the Mantle of your Divine Inheritance and embody the Wisdom offered from our Ninefold Archetypal Queen's Council for you to lead with Empowered Grace in your Life, Livelihood and Sacred Service!
This Alchemical Journey, inspired by the Initiation Path of ancient Khemet (modern day Egypt), takes place during Venus’ Evening Star ascent phase of Remembrance and Reclamation. She, along with the Great Queens & Kings, Priestesses & Priests, and Gods & Goddesses will support you in the amplification of your devotional leadership, and to live your Legacy of Love.
In every module we focalize upon specific Majestic Leadership qualities and principles for you evoke and embody, unlocking your gifts to lead with courage, confidence and clarity in your soulful work and business. You will receive specific practices to alchemize fears and limiting beliefs into wisdom, gifts and strengths for your life, personally and professionally.
Our Curriculum is structured in harmonious alignment with Venus' cosmic rhythms

Receive & Activate The Queen Codes In Our 9 Temple Modules:

inanna ~ Ereshkigal ~ Nepthys/Nebet-Het ~ Isis/Auset
- Reconnect with the Underworld Telluric Crystalline Grid of Gaia for embodied strength and symbiosis
- Ground into your Divine alignment, gratitude, purpose, mission, destiny & freedom
- Connect with your ancient-future origins & star lineages for support and guidance, and with the evolutionary wisdom of Lemurian & Atlantean timelines important for our current dimensional shift
- Initiate and tend to your Diamond Rainbow Light Body as a living map for Wholeness
- Immerse in light & shadow Venusian & Sirian Star Queen Wisdom and the majestic flow of the River Nile to navigate our journey ahead

Tiamat ~ Morgana ~ Kihawahine
- Access your Instinctive Primal Power and Life-Force expression to channel into your life and soul work
- Deepen in your ancestral lineages for reconciliation, release, healing, honouring and retrieving your gifts
- Activate grounding, guardianship, and protection for yourself & for your business / leadership / offerings
- Stabilize and clear your energetic field to create and manifest with clarity, grace, courage and support
- Cultivate a renewed devotional relationship with with Mother Earth for healing, feeling secure and safe, and to stay steady and focused with your passions and mission

Cleopatra ~ Hathor ~ Nut ~ Arianrhod ~ Hina
- Release and free stagnancy, making space for your wild creativity and sensual passion to flow, channeling it effectively with inspired action to conceive and create your dreams
- Create and implement a life and biz calendar in harmony with your body’s cyclical wisdom for pleasure, grace, impact and flow
- Receive the Prosperity Activation Codex to magnetize and manifest opulence in partnership with lunar rhythms, transmuting ‘money wounds’ to financial prosperity

Sekhmet ~ Isis ~ Queen Of Sheba~ Queen Maeve
- Release energy leaks and regain access to your strength, self-trust, self-love and resilience
- Clarify your purpose, aligning your personal will with Divine Will as you take action with faith and integrity
- Discern between Essence Self and ego self to dispell fear and worry, honour your worthiness and welcome in joy, success and abundance in your life and livelihood
- Access your Sword of Truth to cut through illusions, freeing yourself from limitations around money, wealth and deservability
- Access your Shield of Preservation to create and maintain boundaries (personally and professionally) around time, energy & resources, and also mentally, emotionally, psychically and spiritually with courage, confidence & clarity

Mary Magdalene & Yeshua ~ Isis/Auset & Osiris/Ausar
- Deepen with the ancient King & Queen Grail Codes of the Hieros Gamos
- Reunite your inner feminine and masculine within the sacred temple of your heart & body temple
- Infuse rituals of self-love and well being into your flow to nourish and replenish yourself as you offer your presence, energy and devotional offerings to the world
- Awaken and Embody the 6 Diamond Light Rosa Mystica Petals of Love to deepen in Sovereignty and Communion

Ma'at ~ Queen Hatsetshup ~ Rhiannon ~ Pleaidian Star Queens
Hathor / Het-Hert & The Hathors ~ Isis /Auset
- Liberate yourself from the fear or doubt of using your voice and reclaim the power of your Authentic voice to speak your truth with clarity and confidence
- Attune to your highest wisdom and courageously express your true self freely with ease, conviction, and compassion as a sacred activist for peace and justice
- Welcome the Sonic Pleiadian Star Queen Codes to be a conduit of interstellar tonal communication for receiving and transmitting divine sound frequencies in support of personal and collective release, healing and Evolution

Cleopatra ~ Queen Nefertari ~ Hathor ~ Mary Magdalene
- Integrate your Priestess Self with your Queen Self by awakening or amplifying the unique psychic channels of your intuition, perception, clairvoyance and Gnosis - and then creating empowering and inspiring choices for how best to serve, within and without
- Activate your mythic calling and implement your leadership with inspired visions and devotion as a living prayer to benefit all Beings
- Access the still point of centeredness within you as outer shifts accelerate, navigating new reference points of reality by way of embodied felt sense and inner guidance
- Liberate yourself from limiting thought patterns to access the full potential of your consciousness in resonance with your Soul

Seshat - Queen Nefertiti
- Feel supported on your path to victoriously arise upon the regal throne of your Queendom to claim and cultivate your inner authority and sovereign Divinity with humility, honour and acceptance
- In connection to Source, affirm your opportunity and responsibility as a powerful vessel of love embodied, to serve, create, and lead with Grace for the benefit of all Beings everywhere

Mother Mary ~ Isis/Auset ~ Quan Yin
- At the Holy Seat of your Soul, welcome the Immaculate codes of conscious Light conception and Divine birth to assist in our Humanity's current Rebrith and Ascension
- Evoke Compassion for self and others, as you spread your wings and lead with Beauty and Unconditional Love in all areas of your life
- Receive and embody the 4 Abodes of Divine Love - Love, Compassion, Joy, and Peace as you deepen and refine your intentions and motivations for your leadership
Connect to your Angelic Self & Rejoice as you come into Alignment of your Sacred Soul Purpose and Awaken to Divine Wisdom


1 Opening Ceremony, 1 Intro Circle & Initiatory Materials
2 Live Video Call - 2 hours + Extensive Materials
Enter through the gateway and take your place within our Majestic Queen’s Circle. We shall begin together by grounding into the key elements and agreements of our journey so that our sisterhood container is held with protection, strength, integrity and safety. You will also be welcomed by our High Council of Queens and Kings, Gods and Goddesses and the Elementals. You'll also receive initiatory materials for creating a nourishing experience and activating your path with devotional intent.

9 Star Queen Wisdom & Ritual Offerings
Video Recording - 1 hour
We begin each month by intimately connecting with the living frequencies of the Celestial Realms and our Royal Star family, focalizing on Sirian & Pleiadian movements and the unique pattern and corresponding teachings of Venus in her Evening Star phase. From the Egyptian & Venusian calendars, and during significant lunar, solar and stellar events, you are invited to create ritual offerings to empower your life, leadership and business.

9 Majestic Mastery Curriculum Calls
Live Video Call - 2 hours
We gather Live for you to immerse in the legends, tales, myths and Herstory of our Queen and King Guides and receive powerful self-mastery teachings and codes for you to embody, both practically and mystically. You will engage in multi-dimensional living wisdom to unlock your majestic gifts, energetically, spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

9 Queen Code Alchemy Bundles
Recordings (1-2 hours of content)
Deepening from our Majestic Mastery Curriculum, these multi-media bundles consist of audio, video and/or PDF’s with specific activations, meditations, inquiries, or practices to Evoke and Embody your Queen Self in your life and leadership with impact, prosperity and grace.

9 Mentorship Calls
Live Video Call - 1.5 - 2 hours
We gather Live in our Queen Code Mentorship Calls to deepen our collective connection and for you to ask important questions related to our current module topics and teachings as it pertains to you personally and/or professionally. This is your opportunity to receive direct mentorship from Achintya and experience support, clarification, reflection, and insight from her and your fellow Queens.

10 Queen Council Circles
Live Video Call - 1.5 - 2 hours
You will be a part of a Queen Council, facilitated by one of our phenomenal Sister Queen Focalizers. This is a smaller group within our training to share reflective inquiries, heart musings, triumphs, challenges and insight as the Queen Codes come alive within you. To be seen, heard, supported, and celebrated by your sisters is one of the most empowering and healing aspects of reclaiming your Sovereign Power. The Sisterhood cultivated will greatly enhance all of your deep inner work and how you show up as Queen in your life, in the world and in your leadership.

11 Majestic Mastery Guest Mentor Recordings
Recorded Video Call - 1 hour
An inspiring Council of Guest Mentors offer their mastery with profound teachings to empower and inspire your life and leadership. You'll receive 1-2 Recordings per month.

1 Coronation Celebration Ceremony
Live Video Call - 2 hours
At the completion of the Training, we will gather together with honour and gratitude to celebrate the victory of your Majestic Mastery journey and that of each of your Sister Queens’. We will close the circle in a similar way to how we began, with reverence to our High Council of Queen and Kings, Priests and Priestesses, Gods and Goddesses and the Elementals.


The Queen Hive - Online Community Sharing Circle
Our online circle is a powerful and unifying space for connection, support and inspiration throughout The Queen Codes. You are invited to share heart reflections, dreams, inspiration, art, questions, challenges, and triumphs. You will be witnessed, held and honoured by your fellow Queens and be able to offer them upliftment, reflection and witnessing as well. This space is lovingly held by our Sister Queen Focalizers and Achintya will be in this space bi-weekly.

Queen Codes Online Classroom
You will have a personal portal account to access all of our Queen Codes Training Materials and resources (class replays, audio & video recordings and PDF’s) for your studies and embodiment.

Majestic Guest Mentors
Immerse in the wisdom and generosity offered from our incredible Guest Mentors! Their sharing and unique gifts will activate your Evolutionary Leadership and inspire your Spirit.

Katie-Jane Wright
Crystal Wisdom & Power for Earth Star Linking

Keon’i Hanalei
Kihawahine - Hina - Fern Medicine & Divine Union

Jasmine Joy
Wisdom of The Honey Bee & The Sacred Hive

Shems Heartwell
The Sacred Marriage

Marya Stark
Prismatic Voice & Awakening The Womb Treasures

Danielle Noel
The Legends & Magick of the Tarot Queens

Marni Suu Reynolds
Quan Yin and The Four Adobes Of The Heart

Sarah Naia Soleil
Codes of The Angels

Isis Indriya
Queen Nefertiti

Ameya Cohen
Lunar Empowerment

Heather Salmom
Queen Of Sheba & Ethiopia

In This Training You Will:
- Activate The Queen Codes within you to catalyze an up-levelling in your life and leadership
- Be seen, honoured and supported in your Light, Shadow, Wholeness and Holiness
- Be held within our Sacred Circle of Sister Queen’s for inspiration, support and motivation
- Unlock your creative potential & arise upon the throne of your Queendom, personally and professionally
- Be empowered to Embody your Sovereignty and lead with courage, confidence and clarity in your soulful work
- Alchemize fears, limiting beliefs and wounds into wisdom, gifts and strengths
- Be inspired to live your chosen Destiny and to co-create in our shared Legacy of Love
Join the Waitlist
Please submit your information below, and we will be in touch with the next steps.
Tuition: $5,555